Why I Blog



I started blogging to overcome my fear of trying new things and constantly doubting myself. I’ve always doubted my abilities and truthfully still do. Negative thoughts plague my mind to the reason I should not blog or write. Thoughts like: “Am I good enough?”  “What if I’m horrible?”  “What if I’m criticize?”  or,  “What if the criticism hurt my feelings causing me to banish my dream of writing?”

Then I remember a quote I read in Stephen King’s book “On Writing.”  I interpreted the quote to mean to put all negativity aside and essentially write for myself and all else will follow.

“If you write (or paint or dance or sculpt or sing, I suppose), someone will try to make you feel lousy about it, that’s all. I’m not editorializing, just trying to give you the facts as I see them.”
Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Writing along with other crafts takes practice if one wishes to become successful.  I decided to set aside my fears of criticisms and not being good enough, so I just practiced the process of writing. Eventually I gained the courage to start a blog. I first started this blog to make myself feel better. I figured since I enjoy taking pictures and writing, I can post my photos and compose a couple of poems or even a short story.

However, I do hope that someone out there in the world of cyberspace will be inspired through my photography. By seeing my photos will make some one feel good on the inside and put a smile on one’s face. I also hope my writings or proses will also put some one in a good mood. This is my dream. Yes I have my regular dream of publishing a book, eventually. I don’t wish to become the world’s next novelist. I feel this crown is too much for me to bear, but publishing a chapbook or having a few poems published in an anthology will mean just as much as winning a lotto (well not quite as much).

It’s great to do activities which inspires you. This makes you feel good inside. It’s equally good when you can do something that make others feel inspired as well whether it’s through words, photos or a song.

So let me ask you, why do you blog? Or if you do not and are thinking of starting, what would be the theme of your blog?


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